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Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines (Read 4666 times)

Posts: 13

Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
02/10/11 at 17:27:39
I am coming down with another cough and cold.  They make me so so sick.  I cannot tolerate Benedryl, Zyrtec, Claritin, Allergra, Xyzal or Singulair.  When I take Robotussin DM, or Mucinex it makes me feel really spacey and have a syncope hangover.  I am lost on this one.  My current meds are aspirin, elmiron, ranitidine, gastrocrom and celebrex.  So the med will have to mix with those.  Any suggestions? Lips Sealed
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Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #1 - 02/10/11 at 19:24:09
So sorry!  I know what you mean about colds making you really sick.  Me, too!

I don't have a lot of suggestions, except drink a lot and rest.  Take 500 mg. of vitamin C (if you can tolerate it) and 15 of zinc, twice/day.  The zinc works best in lozenge form and better if you don't drink for at least an hour after.  If I start those when the cold's first coming on, it clears up much faster.  I use plain Robitussin, without the DM, and I don't have any problems with it.  That's not to say you won't.

There are other antihistamines, including hydroxyzine, chlorpheniramine, and others.  They might make you a little sleepy, but if you're at home with a cold, it won't make much difference.  Definitely ask your doctor about interactions and whether he/she thinks you can tolerate one of the other antihistamines.  Good luck!
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #2 - 02/11/11 at 04:49:25
Have you every heard of the Neti Pot? It is wonderful for sinus congestion and that post nasal drip that just makes your throat so raw. I have a sinus rinse by Neil Med, pretty close to the Neti Pot but it has a stronger flow of water, it's just a saline wash. Rinse your sinuses several times a day to keep that mucos flowing out of your body. If you can tolerate vicks vapour rub on your chest at night that helps me. I also use XClear nasal spray, it's a xylitol natural spray(no drugs).I don't react to any of these things BUT most of the things I react to are foods.I take a lot of Vit C or if I have those emergency packets I do those, but the have a lot of other ingredients so read the back first.
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Posts: 61

Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #3 - 02/11/11 at 06:10:53
I use Mesosilver (colloidal silver) in a nasal spray bottle.  Works great for sinusitis, strep and tonsillitis, too!  Like you, I am intolerant of most meds including antibiotics. I have to have my cromolyn and chloropheneramine specially compounded as I can't take the formulations currently available OTC or by Rx.

Hope you get over your cold and cough and are feeling better soon.

Deb Mc
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Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #4 - 02/11/11 at 06:31:12
Saline is a great idea!  I recently tried that after I had some dental work done and I was amazed what a difference it made.

If you don't want to bother with a neti pot, look for saline spray in the kids' section of the pharmacy... I've used one called "Little Noses."

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We're all in this thing together
Walkin' the line between faith and fear
This life don't last forever
When you cry I taste the salt in your tears
(Old Crow Medicine Show)
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #5 - 02/11/11 at 07:25:14
I have to agree with Deb on the colloidal silver nose spray, it is AWESOME. I'm someone who has had chronic sinus infection problems in the past. Not anymore, as soon as I feel it coming on, I use the sinus rinse and colloidal silver spray if I have some.
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Posts: 1502
Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #6 - 02/11/11 at 15:14:51
I've also used the pre-packaged saline spray, but be careful about preservatives.  Some have them.  My preference is called "Ocean."  I've used a couple of store brands that had ingredients in them that felt like I'd sprayed battery acid up my nose.  Did NOT feel good! Cry
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Posts: 1502
Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #7 - 02/11/11 at 15:16:34
Where do you get colloidal silver nasal spray?  Can you get just the silver and mix it yourself?
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Posts: 61

Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #8 - 02/11/11 at 16:41:01
I just put it in a nasal spray dispenser.  

Not all colloidal silver is the same.  You need to be careful there.  The brand I use is called MesoSilver.  It was recommended by my doc as an alternative to conventional antibiotics (which I can't take) for treating kidney infections.  It did the trick so I'm sold on it now. Smiley Hubby, too. Even though he can take cold meds and antibiotics if he wanted to, he prefers the MesoSiliver, says it works faster and better on viral and bacterial infections, and there's no worry of the bugs developing resistence to it either.

Deb Mc
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I Love YaBB 2!
Posts: 439
Re: Meds for cough and cold-I cannot tolerate antihistimines
Reply #9 - 02/12/11 at 03:18:22
Joan, here is the brand I buy. It comes in a nasal spray if you can't find one your self.
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