YEAH!!!! Brieann did it again.... she is batting 100% at "performing" for her local Dr. who has been so kind as to jump in and try to help us out with her difficult issues and diagnosis of such.
She has had 4 visits with him thus far and each and every time she has displayed for him a multitude of the symptoms she goes through. It is so nice and comforting to have a Dr. actually see this and have all of this in his notes to send to other Dr.'s. At times I have felt that some of her Dr.'s think that I am just a "Hystrionic Mom" but I know they take what another Professional sees first hand much more seriously.
During the last 3 visits he was so concerned that he actually picked up the phone and called other Dr.'s asking them for help or making recommendations for further tests, etc. as we sat in the office with him!
I am so pleased with him I wanted to hug him (or cry with relief). I am so used to her Dr.'s seeing something and brushing it off as an isolated incident with no known cause. Or dealing with the frustration of being 13 hours away from her specialists and not being able to call and get her in right away so they can see this 1st hand. When we see them twice a year they just don't understand that these are DAILY OCCURANCES for her. (to one extent or another).
Today she again flushed, began getting a stomachache and bone pain AND she broke out in a TOTALLY NEW type of rash on her chest and back that I have never seen on her before! He was so intrigued and he actually considered having me run her over to the Dermatologist right away for another biopsy. But Brie was opposed to this and she has been through so many that we felt it best to wait at this point.
The rash was very small (a little bigger than a pencil lead) and they were raised and looked like bumps throughout her entire back and parts of her chest and abdomen. They itched pretty significantly. He rubbed on a couple of them lightly and within a few minutes those areas turned into a large red splotch. He was quite impressed - especially with the amount of meds she is on and yet she still breaks out with different things about 95% the days. (Yes... this is still a great improvement for her!... as they usually are not near as severe as they used to be).
He has been studying also
! He knew little about Mastocytosis or MCAD disease when we 1st went to him - but things he talked about during our last visit told me he is taking this seriously and had been educating himself. And today I was even MORE impressed with his knowledge!
He really wants her to have a bone marrow test done by one of the Masto specialist. He first wants to see what some upcoming appointments with a couple of other Dr.'s and tests will show and then he is ready to personally call Mayo and say "do you want to look at this seriously and follow it up or should I contact Dr.'s in Boston?" Yes... those were his words!
He feels strongly (more so than me) that since she is already established at Mayo with several specialists that this is the place to stay if possible. She needs to see a Pediatric Neurologist and her Pediatric GI wants Mayo to take a look at the GI issues so this makes some sense to me. We can get it all done in one place. But I am not sure about the Masto specialist there and he knows this - we have had a couple of heated discussions about this already
He also feels that since it is closer for us to travel that it would be easier for us. I hear what he is saying and he is well aware that this is not my first choice but since I have not had much luck getting the Dr.'s in Boston to take a look at her I truly feel my hands are tied at this point. And just having a Dr. back us 100% on this possible diagnosis and to push for a diagnosis with us means a lot to me. My ultimate goal is to have a diagnosis and proper treatment for Brieann... and at this point I will take that any way that I can get it.
Her MRI was negative... And we expected this... but he wants to "make sure we are not missing something even more serious before she is given a diagnosis of MCAD and then something else gets overlooked as people stop looking for other causes."
He wrote the prescription for Gastrocrom... now I just need to wait and see if my Insurance will cover this. When I called the Pharmacist on it he said that it is "Investigational" and they may not. I sure hope this is not the case as we keep adding med after med and increasing the doses of them and we still can't get her symptom free for more than a day at a time here and there. It is so hearbreaking to see her go through this