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Message started by r123 on 10/24/11 at 13:25:50

Title: Triggers you can't control
Post by r123 on 10/24/11 at 13:25:50

Hi all...
Obviously there are triggers we can control, like not drinking alcohol, but the number of triggers we have zero control over is so much larger!

I was just wondering if anyone has any advice for what to do in a few different situations where triggers can't be avoided.... for example:

HEATERS IN THE WINTER! I work in NYC where the only type of heaters seem to be those old radiator types that emit strong, very hot, dry heat. It always triggers my masto, and yet what can i really do about it. When I can pinpoint where the heat is coming from I try to cover it or move away or turn it off, but most of the time those aren't options.

I take a 2 1/2 train ride twice a week because i work far away... I generally enjoy the ride (great for naps) but now that its getting colder they've turned heat on the train and I was flushed all day....

I also have an increasingly large problem with perfumes. It depends on how strong it is, but I almost always need an inhaler, and so many people in my office where it... especially my boss's boss who i think BATHES in it. He's a very nice guy, but I always feel horrible when he's around... I end uo chugging ice water or hiding in the bathroom or something.

Sorry, today was just one of those bad days. My grandmother has been in hospice care for a few weeks and they think she'll pass sometime this week and I'm at peace with it, but my masto has been worse... today at work was awful... I took the train in this morning, started flushing because of the heat, not to mention I couldn't really sleep on the train because of it, and I couldn't really sleep last night either for some reason.... then it was hot in the office and I felt flushed and really shaky the shakiness is a relatively new symptom... but it always makes me feel anxious and kind of emotional... like I'm about to cry for no reason), then my boss's boss was there for a while and his cologne was killing me... and my boss asked me if i was overwhelmed because i clearly was flushed and probably didn't look so good.... I wasn't overwhelmed by work... work I can handle... masto is another story.

sorry, i just needed to vent. i spend a lot of time traveling because I spend half my time in nyc for work and the other half at home, so I'm alone a lot and I'm always worried one of these times is when my symptoms are going to get to a point where I can't just handle it and I need to go to the hospital or something... its definitely a bit scary. I have one person at work who knows about my masto, but I'm thinking its about time to tell my boss as well, so at least he knows why I look sick and that i'm not just unable to handle the work.

okay haha i started rambling a bit there. but what do you do when there are so many things there is no way to avoid!?

Title: Re: Triggers you can't control
Post by lynda51 on 10/24/11 at 18:20:34

Hi r123,

I don't have a lot of knowledge about masto and I just received a diagnosis for MCAS recently (although my symptoms have been in a constant flare for almost two years).  

First of all, you have a HUGE stresser in the fact that your grandmother is so ill and dying.  Even though you may be ready to accept her passing, it still changes a lot in your world and the world of your extended family.  This may be putting more pressure on you than you realize and thus may also be preventing you from getting a good nights sleep.  Do you take any meds to help you sleep?  Can you take something to help you get the rest you need?  If you don't have anything on hand, please call your Dr. and ask for something.  Loosing sleep can compound ANY and ALL symptoms of masto.

Second, can you dress in layers so you can wear very lose fitting and light weight clothing on the train.  Otherwise maybe a small ice pack positioned on a part of your body may help.  I know some of the 'experts' on this site use some kind of cooling vests...the information is on one of the links on this site....

I tend to get very shaky when I have not slept well or eaten as much as I should.  Also...STAYING HYDRATED WILL HELP MORE THAN ANYTHING!!!  It seems so easy for us to become dehydrated....especially if you also have an autonomic dysfunction or POTS along with your masto.  I carry a bottle of cold water EVERY where I go...most of the time I drink around 100 oz. of water a day.  If I don't, I get dizzy, shaky, and feel like I am going to pass out.  

As far as the heat in most places in NY, maybe you could use a humidifier at least at home if you have the same type heat. At work and other places you could even use a small hand fan if you needed to but I would still check into the coolant vests as well. Getting too warm just activates everything and makes you worse!  

By all means...tell your boss about your health issues, especially about different smells that cause you so many problems.  How would you feel if you could help someone feel better by just NOT wearing some perfume!?? That's a simple request and your boss should know of your medical condition anyway, especially if you would need help at work.  If you are not aware of the link about an emergency protocol, is it listed on this site as well.  It's just as important for you to feel safe at all times! That helps to reduce stress too!  You can't do that if others don't know how to help you. OK?  It's also important that your boss knows that it is NOT your job that is causing you not to "look well".  OK?

I also find it very helpful to use a small amount of Xanax or Ativan when you are approaching a difficult situation.  It usually doesn't take much but it certainly can ward off a full blown attack.  (And this of course is our goal each and every day).  If you are more comfortable, perhaps increasing your H1 H2 blockers when you are going into a stressful situation would be better for you.  And when I say stressful, that can mean ANY situation (or place) where YOU feel you could have a mast cell flare up.  Maybe some of the experts on this site can respond to my suggestion.....I don't want to give you incorrect information.  

Hope this little bit of knowledge helps some....The very best to you....keep us posted on how you are doing. :)

Hugs, Lynda

Title: Re: Triggers you can't control
Post by Susan on 10/26/11 at 08:58:09

I agree with Lynda, that you need to tell your boss about the perfume issues. Approach it as a matter of fact, that you have a health condition that reacts very poorly, even in a dangerous way to exposure to scents. It is a reasonable accommodation to request a scent free work environment. You may need to explain in detail what kind of things are an issue, as people may not realize that scented soaps and laundry soaps can cause some people problems.

People with asthma have the same issue. It is becoming more and more common, and I find people are becoming more sympathetic. When I was taking some classes at the local college, the teachers in my classes would announce to the class that they needed to come scent free, without pointing me out as the cause of the need.  Most people were very good about it.

If you keep it a medical issue, it helps. Some people feel offended if they think you don't like their perfume. It isn't a matter of whether you like it or not, it is a health issue.

I'm sorry I don't have good ideas for you on some of the other triggers. I don't live where it is a problem, but the scent issue I run into almost everywhere I go. Even the office where I work, which has a big sign stating not to enter the building if you are wearing anything scented, still has exposures.

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