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Support and Encouragement >> Need to Vent! >> Brain Fog?

Message started by nelson1600 on 10/13/11 at 09:11:34

Title: Brain Fog?
Post by nelson1600 on 10/13/11 at 09:11:34

We have a couple of "theme" nights around the house...  Mondays are our normal "MOVIE" night where we either rent a movie or pick one on Netflix and we all hang out and watch together.  Wednesdays are our "GAME" night.

So last night for the game the kids picked Monopoly -- no big deal right?  I love the game (although sometimes it takes a little too long to play it all the way through).  Anyway my wife designated me as the "BANKER" -- lol that's a joke in itself.  But nevertheless I accepted my role and the game was on.

But last night was one of the worse nights of my life; I couldn't carry a complete thought to save my life.  I kept getting confused about what I was supposed to be doing -- how much change to give for property purchases -- counting the proper number of spaces to move on the board...  I felt like an infant and I will admit that at one point I grew very irritated (I'm a grown man and I basically wanted to cry); why couldn't I remember what I was supposed to be doing.  How embarrassing is it to not be able to count money (or even remember to make change) on top of not being able to count spaces on a game board in front of your children.  They are supposed to be able to look up to me (and I may not be the brightest, but I know that I am an intelligent person)....

Anyway my wife caught my frustration through my body language and tone; so of course she grew frustrated over what she considers to be my short fuse.  But if she could only understand how it feels in that moment when you lose your focus or train of thought and how difficult it is to figure out what is going on....

Ok, so the nights over, a new day has come, and the reality is yesterday is history; but I haven't been able to shake the feeling.  I had a great grandmother who I watched decline for a number of years with alzheimers and I often wonder if the last years of her life were just one huge episodes like the moment(s) I experience so often.  It is so scary and it makes no sense.

Whoo!  Ok, I'm done venting and I do feel a little better to just get it out there...  I hope you are all having a great day today; thank you for letting me whine a little; maybe I should grab a little cheese to go with it -- :)


Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Enko on 10/13/11 at 09:31:27

Oh believe me, I know what you mean! I'm having big problems correcting exams because I'm having problems calculating the correct number of gained points, so I recheck the results three times  :-/

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by kimtg68 on 10/13/11 at 10:01:28

Oh Lucas! I'm sorry for you. I DO understand. You know, it's like a parent with a child....we know they are undoubtedly going to go through life and along the way there will be necessary bumps and bruises endured. We want to protect them, say magic words to make it all better, but there is not much we can do. That's how I feel from your post. I wish none of us had to endure what we do. I too have way too many moments of brain fog. Early on when I started experiencing it, it was sort of a family joke amongst us. But now it happens WAY too frequently and most of the time I no longer find it funny but frustrating. What REALLY upset me was when I figured out that my brain fog was being used against me. It took me writing stuff down when I knew I was having a bad brain day so I wouldn't forget and then seeing my family try to tell me something otherwise and trying to make me believe that it was ME not remembering AGAIN......until I pulled out my trusty notebook. That was just UNCOOL if you ask me.
So YES YES YES Lucus, I completely sympathize with you. I know I've read on this forum somewhere that there is hope with this symptom. I think it was Romona (Riverwmn-or something like that) that said she actually takes a medication that helps her with her brain fog. I'm still in my early stages of working out the right meds for me but hope to work up to a mix SOON that starts helping with the multitude of symptoms including the brain fog.
Good luck to you Lucas!

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by DeborahW, Founder on 10/13/11 at 10:01:43


Don't forget that mast cell disease is not alzheimers, and if you experience brain fog, that is simply a function of your mast cells being triggered. Does taking an extra histamine blocker help when that happens? You might want to consider pointing this out to any family members who get frustrated with you when this happens. I am so "well," that my family always forgets that I have a disease. It shows, though, because I can't do all the household tasks most moms accomplish in a matter of hours. (Of course it doesn't help that I am really slow at cleaning up things....LOL) Basically, though, I can't get everything done or I will feel ill. Then I get mad that everyone expects me to act like a "normal mom" when I am not. I need help from the family to keep my symptoms down, and I am perfectly comfortable reminding them of this! For you, when you have brain fog, point it out to your wife. She doesn't know otherwise....

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by texan1960 on 10/13/11 at 10:27:47

Haha...don't even get me started on the Brain Fog my post below about Wacky Wednesdays.  I don't know for sure yet if mine is MCAD fog or fibro fog, but I get pretty ditzy when I have it.  Besides, being the banker in monopoly is really hard...I hate being the banker.  I like easy in Brain Fog friendly ones, Go Fish and the like...the other day, well let's just say a half gallon of ice cream got stored where it wasn't supposed to be, needless to say it is ice cream no  more.  Take care and don't worry about it too much...those kids are just happy you are playing games with them, so many parents don't!

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Kate: on 10/13/11 at 14:34:30

Brain fog is my most annoying symptom.  I can work through the rest, but on days that I can't think straight it makes me crazy.  I totally relate to your frustration, and it is really hard for anyone who hasn't experienced it to understand.

Take care,

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Lisa on 10/13/11 at 15:00:55

Listen, brain fog is a symptom!!  It needs to be taken seriously!!  Lucas, when I get like that, I´m so right on the edge it isn´t funny!!   If I don´t hit in with an extra antihistamine quickly I´m on my way to much worse!!! :o

So, when that heavy curtain comes descending upon my brain, just the fact that I end up asking myself "what is wrong with me" this is a really key that I´M IN TROUBLE and I must intervene right away!!!

I hope this helps!


Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by nelson1600 on 10/13/11 at 16:43:06

Thank you everyone for your kind words and empathy...  Some things are just so difficult to explain to those who are closest to me because they see me as a healthy person who just doesn't feel good.  Oh if they only knew; and I think I'm pretty lucky in comparison to so many others who I have read from over the last year or so.

You are all so kind and your replies made me smile.  Thank you again...


Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Enko on 10/13/11 at 23:50:04

Hold on Lucas :) *hugs*

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by kimtg68 on 10/14/11 at 02:56:12

I have to share one more time on this. As I read your last response a thought came to my mind.

I have always been (used to be) a very hard worker and active person and one that my family could always depend on. I liked that about myself. I can no longer be that person (and I don't like that about myself). I am REALLY having a difficult time with letting my family know just how sick I am. As if allowing myself to be sick is a weakness of some sort. I don't know. Now I hope your situation is different but my family is not understanding of this even when I've attempted to share with them how I feel. Perhaps I'm going about it wrong. Not sure. But the bottomline I'm trying to express is that they truly CAN'T understand if I don't allow them to see and share with them how I feel. I just can't reach that point entirely. Part of that is my own fears I suppose. I feel like I've let them down, I let myself down, I don't want to admit I'm sick, etc. I know how rediculous this sounds. We can't help that we are sick! But in not sharing honestly and openly with my family, I've also created the problem and frustrations I experience when they don't understand.

So please.....think about this and perhaps find a way workable within your relationship with your family and try to share with them so they can at least try to understand how you feel. You might get with better understanding from them, more support and less stress on you which not only would be a blessing but may even bring you closer then you already are.

Just wanted to share that.


Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by iamnotalone on 10/14/11 at 17:28:45

Boy Can I Relate!!!
Sometimes we maght want to read a few of these similarities out loud to our family ! I used to teach spec. needs kids and now I cant even do the most basic of math some times. I have to ask my husband to help balance my bankbook, and evem then, i Make myself do it over til I get it right cuz I get so mad at my dumb brain ! I also have to ask people to repeat SEVERAL times something theyve just said; nad other times I just nod or say "yeah" or uh huh" to Cover for my forgetfulness ! :-[
I have been trying x tra antihistamines- but am afraid then Ill get so drowsy during the day- itll be as bad/worse than the brain fog...?
I still dont always do what I should as far as watching what I eat/drink;
and not overdoing things ona good day. I put a note to myself over my desk today-TOO much today= Nothing tomorrow! Im learning guys  :(
I used to win all the word games, and no-one wanted to play with me;
havent played any since I got "sick", bet the family would feel on level ground now... :-?  Last time I played Euchre, my husband didnt want to be my partner ! :'(  My brother has a game that is fun tho and seriously easy to play: its a dice game called CLR, comes in a small tube, and has 3 (yes three) die, and some poker chips. Our kinda game ! ;)
Well, hope this helps some. Goodnite All,
Ill be prayin for us  :)

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Avonlea on 11/06/11 at 22:57:48

Brain fog has claimed my engagement ring.  On a day that I was very ill, I still had to get to work because I had a long-standing commitment to be on an interview panel.  I was in a rush, thought my rings were upstairs and decided not to go look for them.  

Yet somehow, my wedding ring ended up in my car with some dept. store jewelry that goes with my suit.  I  have no memory of bringing my rings out of the house that day. I had such low blood sugar from being unable to eat that I could not put together that my engagement ring must have
been with the wedding ring.  I did not react the way I normally would and
immediately mount a search.  Finally, I had the car dealer take out the seats and search the car, but the engagement ring is nowhere to be found, either in the car or in the house.   :'(

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by Lisa on 11/07/11 at 13:30:37

Oh Gosh!!  How Awful!!   I'm so sorry to hear this!!   I hope it turns up soon!!

If not, however, look on the bright side......what a nice opportunity to shop for a new one!! ;)   It can be even MORE romantic than the first time around!!!!   After years of investing in your family and your marriage, shouldn't you get another, nicer ring perhaps?

Just a thought, hoping to cheer you up!! :-*

Title: Re: Brain Fog?
Post by DeborahW, Founder on 11/08/11 at 01:16:02

Oh gosh, how dreadful. I don't suppose that it is insured, is it? That could help you buy the new one....

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