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Message started by kimtg68 on 08/11/11 at 04:17:23

Title: Funny Masto Day
Post by kimtg68 on 08/11/11 at 04:17:23

I think I mentioned that I am taking care of my 21 year old son who had open heart surgery. He lives at home while attending college full time (except this semester he had to drop due to his surgery). As part of his recovery he cannot drive for 6 weeks so I have reverted back to my taxi service days when all four boys lived at home and I was always burning up the roads! Grant you, I am only running one around now but I am out of practice, a tad bit older and have this screwy mast thingy so it feels like I'm running the roads ALL the time. Let me also add that this son has Asperger's. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this syndrome, it is a high functioning form of autism. He does REALLY well in life considering. He often requires life guidance and correction but we try our best to do it with love. We attempt to correct him OFTEN when it comes to his driving. He's a TERRIBLE driver!!!!! SO, yesterday I'm driving him around to his appointments and such. We are spending good quality time together, sharing and talking. I was certainly having 'one of those days' because I was mixing up my words and struggling with my end of the conversation. Well as we are talking, I'm driving and doing a lousy job of it. I was taking wrong turns, occasionally forgetting where I was supposed to be going, ran two red lights, used my turn signal on turns in the road (which didn't require a signal) and NOT using my turn signal where I was required to on the turns I made. After half a day of him sitting nicely in the passenger seat and watching my horrible examples of driving, he finally speaks up and says, "You know I love you right?" Which is usually how we start our conversations with him when we are about to correct him for something. "But you get on me about being a bad driver and you really suck at it!" LOLOLOLOLOL I could not convince him that I'm not usually that bad. When we try to correct him, he is the worlds worst for excuses. Wow were the tables turned on me big time yesterday.  ;D It was cracking me up big time yesterday trying to explain to him that I was having an off day and him NOT buying into my excuses!!!!! Today I've decided for the safety of those innocent people out driving the roads, that I would park my non-driving, masto messed up butt at home for the day! My son agrees that this is best for all!
Just thought I would share. Hope it made you smile :)


Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by Patricia on 08/12/11 at 12:48:38

Your story made me laugh cuz it sounds familiar! Sometimes my husband will be driving and forgets where he's driving, or struggles for words or finishing a sentence. The loss for words or finishing sentences is very mild but I notice and it's usually much more noticeable when he's reacting a lot.

You said your son has asbergers, I don't know too much about autism but just read a really good book called the autism myth. It was a good book in that it spoke of ASD as a  neuro inflammatory disease and it really was an easy read for a layman. It explained the immune system in a easy to understand way. I read it because we also take neuroprotek by algonot and it's a supplement for people with mast cells disorders and autism. We have found it really helpful.

Dr Theoharides recommend it and he developed the supplement, he has done extensive research on mast cells and autism. He did a study, I think last year that found 1 in 10 people with a mast cell disorder have some form of ASD. It should have been 1 in 400,000 so I believe through his research of autism he will indirectly be studying mast cells. Does your son have any allergies?

Anyway just though it was interesting and definilty laughed and related to your story! :)))

Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by Patricia on 08/12/11 at 12:49:46

I'm so sorry he had open heart surgery! That must have been stressful on you, sounds like he's doing better though!

Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by kimtg68 on 08/12/11 at 14:00:39

Patricia what was the name of this book? Best we know our son does not have allergies. But because of his Asperger's he very sensitive to textures and therefore particular with the food he eats.

As for his surgery, it was stressful but a had a very calm and secure feeling about it and just knew he was in the palm of God's hand. He is healing remarkable fast and doing great!

Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by Patricia on 08/12/11 at 14:13:05

Hey so sorry, cant believe I didnt write it...its been a long week!
Its called the Autism Myth by Michael Goldberg

Dr Theo was telling us that some people with ASD might even test neg for allergies but are very sensitive to certain foods and notice a big difference when eliminating wheat and dairy.

Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by kimtg68 on 08/13/11 at 01:40:18

Thats interesting! My adopted sister has a young boy who was not diagnosed with anything but he would sit alone and barely spoke and often seemed to have a shell on. She was concerned. The short version is she started eliminating certain foods from his diet and now he is a totally transformed kid. Interacts now with others and will have conversations. I talked to my adult son about it but he doesn't even want to try. I SO wish he would. This is my thought: he's stuck inside recovering right mow and he enjoys reading. Maybe if I buy this book he might read it and change his mind ;). So thanks for sharing that with me.

Hope you have a good weekend.


Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by Patricia on 08/13/11 at 02:21:08

Hey just out of curiosity when did you realize that he had asbergers? And do you remember if he ever got a virus or bad infection as a baby?
I don't know a lot about ASD but dr Theo was telling me that 50% of the time children are born fine but then get a virus or infection around 18mo or 2 yrs of age and then regress. The treatment has always been occupational therapy ect. I found this book interesting because it discusses the same theory that the immune system and the gut brain barrier disruption causes neuro inflammation.

My friend has a 10 yr old son with very mild ASD; by age 2 he was talking, on target for development and then got Hand Foot mouth virus and stopped communicating. They did a lot of work with him and are now eliminating offending foods, he does have allergies ect but she notices a big difference in his moods and temperament. She's also trying the neurprotek and says he's doing a lot beet but it's also summer (no school which can be stressful) and allergy season is better.

Your son has just had open heart thing at a time :)))
Its amazing how 21 yr old can recover so quickly!

Title: Re: Funny Masto Day
Post by kimtg68 on 08/13/11 at 07:26:55

I will have to check with his mom. He is my step son and I've only had him since he was 10. I'm curious to know that so I will ask her and let you know.

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