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Message started by missybean on 03/17/11 at 07:35:29

Title: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by missybean on 03/17/11 at 07:35:29

Is leaky gut a diagnoses that is recongnized be traditional medicine or is it more of a thing alternative medicine uses. It makes sence to me. The other day I was on Dr. Sears site and he was talking about it so I thought ok he is MD and he recongnizes it. I have heard many naturopaths talk about it but not MD's. I have read a ton info on it and I kinda believe it. Just wondering what you all think about leaky gut?

Title: Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by Starflower on 03/17/11 at 12:16:04

"Leaky gut" is not a term recognized in the scientific community.  However... if you start reading about how people develop allergies, celiac disease, irritable bowel disorders, etc... you will see comments about undigested proteins leaking through the intestines into the blood stream.


Title: Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by Joan on 03/17/11 at 17:03:17

It's not a medical term, but intestines that are too permeable do exist.  Some M.D.s do recognize it, but I'm sure they have another term for it.  Some of the causes can be lack of B vitamins and proper flora in the gut, as well as certain disease processes, including masto.  I had a doctor who practiced integrative medicine, and he suggested l-glutamine for this problem, which fills in the too large holes in the gut and helps it heal.  He also suggested probiotics.  Both he and my allergist thought I was reacting to absorbing too large of molecules through my intestines.  My body thought they were invaders and called out the army against them.

I started with 500 mg., twice a day on an empty stomach, then went up to 1000 mg.  Recently, when I was having a horrible time with my digestion and reacting a lot to eating, I went on gastrocrom and added l-glutamine and a probiotic called Align.  In 2 weeks I felt so much more normal.  And the best part is that it has lasted, even though I'm off the gastrocrom now and only take l-glutamine occasionally.  (I've continued the probiotics every other day now.)  I've been wondering if mast cells kill the normal flora of the intestines.

Of course if you want to try something new, be sure to check with your doctor.

Title: Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by missybean on 03/18/11 at 04:04:22

Joan- Thanks is an interesting thought about the mast cells affecting the interstinal flora. I started take L-Glutamine again. I take 1000mg to 2000mg. I trying to remember to take my probiotics too.
Heather- that is exactly what I'm finding. Same information.

Title: Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by Josie on 03/19/11 at 06:55:46

Hi All ,

I hadn't heard this term but this is how I saw me reacting to things I hadn't previously due my bowel being inflammmed corn and other reactions .

Sulphites rarely make it into the blood , but in my case food sulphites are the source of serious long lasting anaphylaxis . As it had to be released from food , in the stomach , by which time I had had quite a lot . This was in the early days before I had a full sulphite list . An empty stomach just enables quicker ingestion .

I am going to look into this supplement . I am going to speak to my GP about quercitin as I have the paper by DR Thorides ?? and want to try it . I have had some benifit from having only olive oil.  Probiotics are also on my hit list . They are prescribed here with antibitics in hospital . I need one not tainted with fruit concentrate or artifiical flavours


Title: Re: Leaky Gut Syndrome
Post by missybean on 03/21/11 at 05:07:47

Josie, my personal experience with doctors in regards to taking certain supplements is they don't really know a whole lot about them and there for they dismiss them. Saying well you can try them but I don't think they will help. The only supplements a doctor recommended to me was vitamin D and proboitics and gloucosime.

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