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General Mast Cell Disorders Discussion >> Symptoms >> Vision Changes

Message started by ADork on 08/27/11 at 05:36:05

Title: Vision Changes
Post by ADork on 08/27/11 at 05:36:05

Could be totally unrelated to masto, but I have been have too many changes in my vision lately and wondering if anyone else has had similar..

New Prescriptions late 2007, then again in 2008, and early 2010.

went a few months ago (2011) and had to get a new prescription again, thought this was due to getting older and now needing bi-focal which doc a 9-12 months earlier said was coming.  Wore bi-focal for couple weeks and had to go back, while they started out ok, was thinking I wasn't adjusting.  Doc tested me again and said, sorry we have to remake the glasses, prescription is totally different..  4 months later, have another drastic change, only for the first time in my life my astygmatism has gotten better??

That's 3 drastic changes in less than 6 months..

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Riverwn on 08/27/11 at 06:12:07

Yes a few of us have that problem.. you can look  for the threads where we talk about it in detail (last week I think ).  I have 3 mast cells and a cluster of them in my left eye and my vision has gone to hell even though the machines say my vision is excellent. I now use Pataday eye drops in both eyes every day to affect those mast cells. Hope this suggestions help!

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by ADork on 08/27/11 at 07:01:55

Thanks Ramona!!

I will mention to my eye doctor.. He wants to see me again next week.

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Starflower on 08/27/11 at 07:55:20

I had LASIK eye surgery in 2000 to correct severe nearsightedness.  It was great!  For years my vision was 20/20.  Before I had the surgery (at a teaching hospital) I went to an educational seminar about it.  I was told that I might need reading glasses in my 40s or 50s due to the hardening of my lenses, but otherwise my prescription should not change.

While I was pregnant for the first time I noticed that I could no longer read the VCR clock while laying on the couch.  Hmm.  Thankfully, my vision went back to normal a few months after my daughter was born.  When I was pregnant with my son in 2008 I noticed the same thing, only this time my vision did not go back to normal!  My prescription is much lower than it used to be (so at least I can wear cute glasses), but still... I've had to get two new pairs of glasses in the last three years.

Severe stress (long story) plus that last pregnancy was the trigger that set my mast cell disorder into overdrive.  Are these two things related?  It seems unlikely that it's just a coincidence.


Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Kate:Ohio on 08/27/11 at 10:17:32


I am not sure if I have a mast cell issue or not, but since I became ill I have had many issues with my vision.  Everytime I go to the eye doctor, my prescription changes.  Plus I have floaters, get eye pressure, sometimes have blurry vision, etc.  (I have astigmatism and high myopia.)

I hope you get some answers.


Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Patricia on 09/04/11 at 03:04:22

When my husband got sick from a toxic reaction to fish and landed in the Hosp for 2 days when he came home he said he could see and everything was blurry...he now needs glasses! How does someone's vision change over night???!!!
When he took prednisone he said his vision was that he's off the steroids his vision is back to being worse.

He gets inflammation of the lids and had a nasty stye that would haver go away. He now has the eye lash from that stye that grows into his eye and we have to get It pulled out every 2 months. Throughout those eye visit they discovered he ha pigment dispersion syndrome another Rare disorder where the color of his eye is flaking off and can cause glaucoma but the dangerous part is the flakes can get stuck in the mesh our your eye and make you blind. So we have to be super inverted yoga stands or anything that will create pressure.

I have to believe that his vision changes is from inflammation? But that's my own theory.

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by ADork on 09/06/11 at 06:19:59

Thanks everyone...

Well still no answers.. went back to the eye doc and the change after 1 week had stayed.. apparenetly significant worsenting of my left eye over the past couple of years and month.. but this latest change was for the better in my right eye.. so time to get 1 new lense and see how long that lasts...

Got my eye doctor in a puzzle.. I will mention to Dr. Castells when I have my phone consult in couple weeks..

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Ardyth on 09/07/11 at 07:19:08

I have an extreme sensitivity to artificial lighting.  I have to wear sunglasses indoors sometimes, when I have long meetings to attend.  Does anyone else have this?

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by daowebe on 09/15/11 at 12:20:42

I have bouts of very blurry or double vision.  I went to 3 eye doctors who thought it was neurological and finally found a neuro ophthalmologist.  It wasn't a good experience as he told me I was describing my experience incorrectly.  I felt badgered and, shame on me, I gave up and moved on.  I still don't know what's causing the vision issues but I think I'm going to ask for some eye drops and see if they help.  Not sure what to ask for so if anyone has a favorite I would be happy to hear.   ::)

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by kristi on 09/15/11 at 14:16:16

I too have the sensitivity to artificial lighting. This is something I remember happening even when I was a kid. My biggest eye problem since all of this got so bad is that when I react to something I get terrible inflammation in my head and eyes and the pressure causes blood vessels to burst and my eyes get extremely bloodshot and irritated. It takes days to resolve and hurts!


Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Enko on 09/25/11 at 23:37:11

UH, I unfortunately have a bit larger ophthalmic history:

I was born prematurely and because some (not really known) reason I've completely lost vision on my left eye. Now it's slowly deteriorating and gives me awful eye pain and headaches. On the right eye I have myopia, ambylopia and nistagmus. In general - strabismus. I had problems with glaucoma on both eyes and now I use eye pressure drops when I feel my pressure goes up. Also I have analgetics as eye drops and use that as needed too. Last year I had a laser surgery on my right eye because retinopathy. I have a wonderful ophthalmologist that checks my eyes every 3-4 months. Diopter on my right eye is -4.5. Last time I was on a checkup nurse noticed I was seeing a bit worse (I really couldn't focus on the letters on board) but that was maybe just nistagmus kicking in. There's one more thing - sometimes I'm really photosensitive, my doc doesn't know what may cause that.

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Patricia on 09/26/11 at 00:12:32

I just saw at cvs OTC Zaditor which is ketotifen in eye drop form, it's for itchy allergies in the eyes but also a mast cell stabilizer for the eye.
Worth a try especially during high pollen count seasons.

Title: Re: Vision Changes
Post by Enko on 09/26/11 at 01:23:54


if I can ask, how did the doctors see that you have mast cells in your eye?

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