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Message started by Linz on 06/28/11 at 03:50:33

Title: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Linz on 06/28/11 at 03:50:33

Hi all, i jsut typed out a long message but then lost it so this one might not be as good! Im Lindsay, Im 29 and live in england. Ive been ill for 13 years with m.e/cfs and was recently diagnosed with pots. I heard about mcad on a pots forum and have since been trying to find out more about it. Theres a few things that make me wonder if this could be part of my problem but im really not sure. So i htought the best thing to do would be to list my concerns and ask for advice from you all.

1) i was bitten by an insect on my ankle about 3 years ago on holiday in crete. i stood up and felt like my ankle was sprained. the next day my while foot and ankle was swollen so i couldnt walk properly and i could only just fit on a flip flop. my ankle was all red and burning to touch with spidery lines on it. after afew days i went to the chemist and got anti histamines and it went. My health began to deteriorate after this and has for the last 3 years.

2)i have a recurrent rash and lump that appears on my left upper arm. i will get and itch and then a rash o red dots apperas. after about 15 mins a hard white lump apears. it looks like an insect bite. its in the exact same place each time. it normally goes in 1-2 hours. i usually have been feeling a certain way before this happens. i feel flu like, infected, with achey body, headachy, burning, stinging eyes and sometimes a temperature.

3) at the end of last year i ahd pityriasis rosea. it was all over and lasted 8-10 weeks.

4) i two circular brown marks on my inner right thigh and one which isnt circular on y left thigh. it looks like a picture i saw of urticaria pigmentosa.( i will post the link to the picture in aanother post)

5) a few weeks ago i ahd tests at hospital for pots. during the tests the doctor said i had hives on my neck. this reminded me that a couple of times when seeing my gp i have become red and blotchy on my neck and chest. ive also noticed it when im upset and crying.

6)for the past 18 months i have experinced what i call crashes. sometimes they are frequent, a few  times a week and other times less frequent. i have had several in the last 2 weeks.i suddenlt felt very dizzy and spaced out and my arms and legs felt weak and heavy. i felt overwhelmingly tired and couldnt keep my eyes open. i went to sleep an when i woke i didnt feel better. i elt floaty and very slow and surreal. i didnt feel fully conscious but i was aware of things around me but they felt far away. my husband came home and i couldnt open my eyes or talk in response to him. i knew he was ther and heard him and my brain was telling me to look at him and talk but i couldnt. in all it lasted about 3 hours and then i came round and was more alert but at first my speech was slow and slurred and i felt drugged and headachey all evening. my bp was low when i checked 87/49.
at other times i feel spaced out and not with it and i have waves of heat going through me and cant bear anyone near me. my hands are cold and clammy, i feel shaky and a bit nauseous.

7)ive noticed that i soetimes itch at night. i will scatrch one itch and get another sonmewhere else all through the night. sometimes i will have an itch on my hand and arm on and off all day.

8) i have digestive issues. bloating,pain and cramping

9)i read a post on here about someone with breathing issues. it described me perfectly. i have a feeling of breathlessness although im breathing normally. its a bit like being winded. my tummy and lings feel tight and its like imnt getting enough air. it feels like burning in my lungs,chest and upto my htroat. it happens when i talk alot or sing or do someting physical. i also get a lump in my throat and it feels hard to swalow.

10) i have burning neck often,its very hot to touch and my neck always aches an dthe back of my head.

sorry its so long. i just wanted to get it all down! Thanks :)

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Joan on 06/28/11 at 07:27:47

Hi Linz,

Welcome to the forum.  I'm just dropping in for a minute in the middle of a horribly busy day.

My first thought is to wonder what testing you've had and if all is normal.  Have you had your spots biopsied?  That would be a first thing to do if you suspect mast cell issues.  

Are you taking any antihistamines on a regular basis.  If not, you might ask your doctor about doing that.

Also, be sure you stay very, very hydrated.  Dehydration can cause low blood pressure and fatigue.  I have to go, but I'm sure someone else will jump in here soon.  I'll check back later just to make sure.  

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Linz on 06/28/11 at 09:15:07

Thankyou Joan for your reply(my mums name is joan). i havent had any skin tests done. i have just gone through testing for pots after finally finding a doctor who treats it and i have some more heart and blood pressure tests to have done soon. ive only just heard about mcad so this is my first step in investigating. I noticed the spots on my legs a while ago but didnt think they were significant until i read about mcad and saw pictures of urticaria pigmentosa. Could it be that even thought there are only 2?
I do try to drink lots and eat salt as recommended by the pots doctor. My gp is very unhelpful so im wary of going about somnething else. also im severely affected by M.e and in bed 18hours a day so any appointment are so hard.

thanks again :)

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Godsgal on 06/28/11 at 13:34:15

Hi Linz....I have POTS too.  Just wanted to tell you hello and welcome.  I can relate to a lot of your symptoms, especially the last couple listed.  My blood pressure runs pretty low and my heart rate high.  Ever since I started my meds for mast cell stuff I have felt much better.  I still have a lot of struggles but I feel myself getting much better thanks be to God!  I started getting somewhere as far as getting a mast cell diagnosis after I got the skin biopsy and the methyl histamine urine 24 hour test.  Those things showed up positive for me.  My POTS symptoms have gotten markedly better since starting the low histamine diet.  That has helped me a lot.  You could always try it if you wanted to see if it made a difference for you.  Take care.....Jared

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Joan on 06/28/11 at 18:13:24

Hi, Again Linz,

Yes, you could only have 2 spots.  Jared is correct on the testing and the low histamine diet.  You might want to read on this forum about both, to see how things are ruled in or out.  Many of the symptoms of m.e./CFS are similar to those of mast cell disorders, and the onset, too.  

If your doctor thinks it would be okay to try H1 and H2 histamine blockers and possibly a mast cell stabilizer (gastrocrom or ketotifen), that might give you more information.  If you feel better on them, then histamine or other mediators might be playing a role in your problems.  Antihistamines don't require a prescription, so if you feel comfortable trying something new, you can buy these yourself.  People have posted their dosages here, so you can see what to try.  It couldn't hurt to at least call your doctor's nurse and make sure they wouldn't interact negatively with anything else you take.  Never try more than one new medicine a day, either, in case you could react.

Do you have an epipen?  Because of your history of reacting to a bite, you probably should carry a twin-pack of those with you in case of emergency.

Title: Hi My name is Anne
Post by Daffodil on 06/29/11 at 08:24:27

Hi Everyone

I live in the UK and found your site a couple of months which is excellent and helped me so much.

I have severe Histimine Intolerence and have had it for over twenty years but only realised about 18mts ago.  My reactions are exactly the same as what you all experience ie flushing, heart palpations, ringing in my ear, rhinitis, eczema, insomina,  etc. etc .  I do not get hives or suffer in the heat like you do which is why I do not think it is Mastocytosis.  I am on a low histamine diet and take antihistimines.  I have to be so aware of triggers as just inhaling certain things like tuna and for some reason mayonnaise will send me into shock.  I have recently started triggering to cosmetics and found your section on them a real help.

I know you all take Zantac and wondered what brand you take.  I bought an OTC one which is a pinky/peachy colour but  am worried about tryng it and would feel happier if I could find a white one.

I am so glad that I found this forum.

Best Regards

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Riverwn on 06/30/11 at 16:34:29

Hi Anne,
I take a peach-orange colored Zantac and it is my favorite. It wont hurt you if it isnt right for you, it just wont do anything, you dont have to be scared of it. Not all of us have the same symptoms. I hope you see your DR for testing and find the answers you need. In the meantime, we're here for you and glad your among us!!

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Joan on 06/30/11 at 19:33:18

Hi Anne,

Welcome to the forum!  Tuna is one of the foods containing a very high amount of histamine.  While it's very sensitive to react from inhaling something, it's not unheard of.

If you're very worried about the Zantac, try taking only 1/4 of one first.  Then increase as you feel more comfortable and if you're not reacting to it.  Wondering what you're taking for H1 histamine and how much.  If you react to smells, it could mean you're under-medicated.

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Lisa on 07/01/11 at 00:48:28

Hi Anne, welcome to the forum!

You're in England.  Do you have a good doctor?  If you need a list of doctors in the UK who know masto, just send me a PM and I can send you the list of doctors there.   The highest authority in mastocytosis in England is Dr. Clive Grattan who is at Norfolk and Norwich University.  He is a dermatologist and if you can see him I think it would be best for you may be a MCAD patient and just like elsewhere around the world, the great majority of doctors won't be able to recognize this diagnosis due to how very new it is.  If you don't fall into the WHO criteria for SM, then they most often say you don't have masto and then toss you out on your ear.  Yet, if you go to Dr. Grattan, due to how high of an authority he is, he's up on the recent changes in the masto world and knows and recognizes this diagnosis.  

So, write to me, give you your email and I can give you a list of doctors you can seek after in the UK.


Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Linz on 07/01/11 at 01:22:14

thank you Joan for replying again. Im unsure aout going to my doctor as i expect he wont know anything about mcad and even a doctors visit is very hard for me physically. Do you think it so could all my sounds likely that i have mcad? Or could all my symtoms just be M.E and pots?
Jared, i think we have spoken on the dinet forum. thank you fo your reply. Its interesting that you have pots also. how did you distinguish between the pots symptoms and the mcad?
Lisa i will message you for a uk doctors list.

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Daffodil on 07/01/11 at 02:46:34

Hi all

Thank you for your replies and I have emailed you Lisa for a list of doctors in the UK.  I am definitely under medicated Joan and will start off by trying Zantac soon.  I have noticed that after a reaction I cannot eat or drink anything for the rest of the day or I will react again so I am so cautious about trying anything new even something like Zantac which I know is really going to help me.

Another one of my strange symptoms is that I have to rotate food which I have not heard of anyone else having to do even those with Histamine Intolerance. After a reaction last year I ended up in a&e and that was after I started the low histamine diet and a doctor mentioned that I should start to rotate food and it worked.  I have become so used to it that I forget I am doing it and think it’s normal but of course it is not. Does the fact that you are on the right medication mean that you get away with eating something like for instance strawberries and not react.  When I first started the low histamine diet I could tolerate milk, butter and cottage cheese but I now react to those which is a nuisance as all of my tests show no allergy.  Do any of you have this problem?

Best regards



Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Lisa on 07/01/11 at 05:55:07


POTs is something very common to masto patients and this is because it has been PROVEN to be caused by mast cell deganulation.  It's like Interstitial Cystitis and Fibromyalgia, a lot of masto patients have these issues for the basis for our disease is a Mast Cell Disorder.

Let me see if I can help you all gain more understanding about this.

The mast cell is the key immunological cell.  It's being studied by researchers to find out how it functions within the body.  It is found throughout the entire body for it's not only needed for the body's defense system, but it also has chemicals inside of it which help build the body and keep it healthy.  It's necessary to keep blood vessel growth and health and so wherever you have blood vessels, you've got mast cells.  It's involved in inflammation so wherever you have any kind of inflammation, like a cut or an infection, there are mast cells.  It's involved in the body's defense to ward off invaders and infections and allergies, so there you've got mast cells.  They are finding it involved in many diseases as well!  They've linked mast cells to fat cells and diabetes even!  It's EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!   And where you have most of them is in the skin, the bone marrow and the blood making organs and the intestines.  Why?  Well, in the bone marrow and blood making organs you find them because that's where they are made.  In the intestines and skin you find tons there due to their necessary function in protecting the body, etc.  So, this is their normal place of activity and function and how life is meant to be for us in our living with mast cells.  

Yet what is a Mast Cell Disorder?  It's a malfunction of the mast cell.  Right now the researchers have put them into two groups - one as a proliferation disorder where there are way too many of them and another which is an activation disorder, which is in truth a malfunction problem.  These are genetic disorders and the fact that there is something genetically wrong with these mast cells means that it's not influenced by something you eat or such things - it's something wrong at it's very foundation.  So, that being so, it's not going to be isolated into any one particular area, it's going to affection your entire body.  

Now, according to research there are different forms pf MCDs and depending upon what form of the disorder your mast cells have will influence how the disease shows itself in your body - it's a genetic thing and since each of us have different genes, depending upon where that defect is influences how your body is going to respond.  

This is what confuses doctors who don't know masto.  It's such a rare disorder that if a doctor sees 1 patient in his career he's fortunate!!!  This disease affects 1 in 300,000 - 500,000 patients!  When I told my gastro this his eye popped out like this! :o  and he about choked!!  For him to realize what he had sitting in front of him and to know that my son was in this same boat about floored him for I don't think he's ever come across such a rare patient in his entire career!  This is how rare we are!  

So, when you see your doctors, they aren't prepared to deal with such a rare disease for they NEVER see any patients with this.  They can't make the connections.  It's a connect-the-dots game with an image they've never seen before!  They've no clues as to what the final picture will look like for they've never seen the picture before!  This is what they are up against!    Imagine putting together a puzzle without any kind of picture to go by!!   I remember when I was a girl there was a puzzle called Red Riding Hood's Red Hood.  The puzzle was 5,000 pieces of only shades of red!  Can you imagine how tough it would be to put this puzzle together without a picture to guide you? :o  THIS is what our doctors who don't know masto are up against!

So, this explains why they look at different symptoms and think, Well, that's the problem!  They don't know that something is behind it all!  But if they could take a look at your constellation of symptoms with one disease in mind, having that picture on the box to guide them, THEN the pieces begin make sense and fall into their proper places.  

So, in looking at everything in light of a mast cell disorder, your symptoms begin to make sense for if you had but one issue or perhaps two, then you'd say, well, they are isolated things, but when you have a number of things wrong and every one of them involves mast cells, then you've got to question if it's not a mast cell disorder as the basis for it all!

Does this make sense?  I hope so.


Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Riverwn on 07/01/11 at 06:05:45

Hi all!
First of all POTS might have some of the symptoms that we do-- like syncope, fast heart rate, dizzy spells easily, maybe a bit of nausea from the syncope--but not the other type of GI symptoms and those of other organs that you would have with mast cell disorder.  Not all of us are the same but we are very similar. There are however quite a few patients who have POTS and also have some type of mast cell disease--that is very common among us.

Food rotation wont help a mast cell patient. The theory behind it for an allergist, would be if you have IgE mediated food allergies, the less exposure to one particular type of food, the less time to build resistance and reaction to it. That doesnt usually apply to mast cell patients.

The problem with that (for us at least) is that the majority of us arent reacting to food allergies(some have both)--we are reacting to triggers--which can react the same way an allergy can but the basis of it, is reaction to histamines. The theory with us is, the barrel or cup overflowing one. It means you dont know quite how near you are to reacting and you are exposed to a trigger with just so much histamine. If its a good day you might not be near triggering--and you might get away with eating things you shouldnt. If its a bad day you can be quite near triggering and that last exposure was the last drop that overflowed the barrel or cup--and you are now in a full blown reaction.

(Hows that Lisa??) LOL. I hope this helps explain the simple difference to you. Lisa and Heather are much better at explanations, Im sure they will post answers to your questions too!

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Riverwn on 07/01/11 at 06:06:22

LMAO I see we were posting at the same time Lisa :)

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Lisa on 07/01/11 at 12:56:48

Nothing like the "Great Minds" theory, huh Mona!!!!!   [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by Joan on 07/01/11 at 16:16:40

Hi Anne,

  Once properly medicated, a mast cell disorder patient might not react as readily to certain triggers, but that doesn't diminish its power as a trigger.  If your trigger "bucket" is full because of exposure to too many triggers, one more drop can make it overflow and cause you to react.  Sometimes I can eat some things that aren't part of the low histamine diet, but if I'm having exposure to other things, I wouldn't chance it.

  Still, once a patient's symptoms are under control, you might find that a small exposure won't set you off as badly as it does now.

Title: Re: Hi My name is Anne
Post by sherry on 07/08/11 at 16:37:38

wrote on 06/29/11 at 08:24:27:
Hi Everyone

I live in the UK and found your site a couple of months which is excellent and helped me so much.

I have severe Histimine Intolerence and have had it for over twenty years but only realised about 18mts ago.  My reactions are exactly the same as what you all experience ie flushing, heart palpations, ringing in my ear, rhinitis, eczema, insomina,  etc. etc .  I do not get hives or suffer in the heat like you do which is why I do not think it is Mastocytosis.  I am on a low histamine diet and take antihistimines.  I have to be so aware of triggers as just inhaling certain things like tuna and for some reason mayonnaise will send me into shock.  I have recently started triggering to cosmetics and found your section on them a real help.

I know you all take Zantac and wondered what brand you take.  I bought an OTC one which is a pinky/peachy colour but  am worried about tryng it and would feel happier if I could find a white one.

I am so glad that I found this forum.

Best Regards

Title: Re: Hi My name is Anne
Post by sherry on 07/08/11 at 16:38:42

sherry wrote on 07/08/11 at 16:37:38:

wrote on 06/29/11 at 08:24:27:
Hi Everyone

I live in the UK and found your site a couple of months which is excellent and helped me so much.

I have severe Histimine Intolerence and have had it for over twenty years but only realised about 18mts ago.  My reactions are exactly the same as what you all experience ie flushing, heart palpations, ringing in my ear, rhinitis, eczema, insomina,  etc. etc .  I do not get hives or suffer in the heat like you do which is why I do not think it is Mastocytosis.  I am on a low histamine diet and take antihistimines.  I have to be so aware of triggers as just inhaling certain things like tuna and for some reason mayonnaise will send me into shock.  I have recently started triggering to cosmetics and found your section on them a real help.

I know you all take Zantac and wondered what brand you take.  I bought an OTC one which is a pinky/peachy colour but  am worried about tryng it and would feel happier if I could find a white one.

I am so glad that I found this forum.

Best Regards

Title: Re: Hi New here. Wondering if i might have mcad.
Post by sherry on 07/08/11 at 16:44:39



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