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Message started by laura on 04/04/11 at 05:21:17

Title: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by laura on 04/04/11 at 05:21:17

I am 44 years old and have been having a bad mast cell activation syndrome relapse since January, when my uteris was perforated during oblation day surgery for fibroids. The surgery didn't work and my periods are worse than ever. I need partial hysterectomy, but mast cell doctor doesn't think I am well enough yet.  They are talking about using Lupron to stop periods until I can have surgery, but I am concerned about side effects.  I already don't sleep well due to mast cell related night sweats.

I was diagnosed with mast cell three years ago, but looking back it seems as though I have had it for much of my life. This is my fourth serious episode in fifteen years.  Fortunately, I got into remission and was living a full and busy life until surgery in January, when i became the sickest yet. Currently I am on tons of mast cell medications and tpn through a PICC line for nutrients, and re-introducing foods.  My mast cell doctor has been amazing, thank goodness.

Within several posts there are references for sexual disorders, that I can't find anywhere. Does anyone know where to locate this information?

Does anyone have experience with Lupron and mast cell or heavy bleeding?

Has anyone had a partial hysterectomy and stayed stable with mast cell?

Any tips or ideas are welcomed. Thanks!

Title: Re: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by Josie on 04/04/11 at 05:42:29

Hi laura ,

I am so sorry you have been so poorly ;-( .

I am glad you are here ;-)

Bleeding can be mast cell related but you need to be worked up for blood disorders first . have you had this ?
You say you are on lots of medications , what are you on ?

I am sorry you are needing TPN ( total perentral nutrition ) via a PIC line ( long line in arm , from crease in arm , up to shoulder into a big vessel . Have the doctors found problems in your bowel ? I am however glad you are getting nutrition .

I hope your doctors are keeping an eye on your blood levels with heavy bleeding . I am so sorry you had a perforation during your day surgery.

I can't answer your other questions . What do you mean by sexual disorders ? Do you mean disorders of the vagina , cervix, womb , tubes and overies ?? Or problems due to sexual contact ?

many hugs

Title: Re: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by Starflower on 04/04/11 at 05:44:54

Hi Laura,

What kind of mast cell disorder do you have?  Do you mind telling us who your doctor is?  There are definitely bits of information scattered throughout this site about mast cell disorders and bleeding, surgery, hysterectomy, etc... but the specific type of disorder you have might make a difference.


Title: Re: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by laura on 04/09/11 at 13:25:56

Hi Heather and Josie,
Thanks for your responses. Sorry if not enough details, but I was trying not to make my initial post too long.  I was diagnosed with mast cell activation disorder almost 3 years ago. 24  hour urine, skin and tryptase tests confirmed diagnosis. Dr. Greenberger is my doctor, and he  is absolutely fabulous;  calling or emailing me daily, throughout this massive flare-up, to check in and/or modify medications.  

Yesterday, I went back to the GYN and had a pelvic ultrasound. This test confirmed the presence of more fibroids, some are pressing into the lining of my uterus, which is what keeps causing such heavy bleeding. I had oblation surgery in January that has 90% success rate for most people, but it failed because my uterus got perforated and more fibroids grew back.  During the recovery from this relatively minor surgery, my mast cells went crazy, effecting mostly my stomach and esophagus. I am working hard to eat and hold down foods so that I can get off the TPN soon.

The next treatment option for this excessive uterine bleeding is lupron shots or birth control pills to stop or at least control it until I am strong enough to have my uterus removed.  Hopefully, another surgery will not make mast cell disorder activate again, once I finally get it calmed down and I get strong enough to tolerate surgery. The sexual disorders that I was asking about was because in some previous posts 9on new and old website?) there were references to a folder called sexual disorders.  My female issues are mainly with uterine fibroids, but I was diagnosed with vulvar vestibulitis and fibromyalgia many years ago, which I was fascinated to learn both often correlate with mast cell issues.

Thanks again for your response and any advice that you or others have pertining to these matters are welcomed...
Laura :)

Title: Re: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by Riverwn on 04/09/11 at 14:51:06

Hi Laura,
I am 3 years post menopause. (Thank God). Before that I had endometriosis and fibroids with heavy periods. The bleeding was so bad it got near hemmorhage . I was incredibly thankful when all that stopped and I personally believe that my health with mast cells reacting would be worse if I were still having a monthly.

I looked up the Lupron and see it is very similiar--near the same to Depo. My daughter was on that for over 7 years for birth control purposes. She did fine on it and now is off and has a son.

I guess what Im saying is, with your track record of bleeding and such major gyn problems, I think I would opt to take the Lupron then have a hysterectomy when or IF it is safely possible. It is YOUR body Hon, do what feels right for you.

Here is a link to our old site where they talk about Lupron and mast cells, I hope it helps;


Title: Re: Heavy periods, fibroids and mast cell- sexual disorders posts?
Post by laura on 04/11/11 at 02:55:09

Thanks Ramona,
Lupron info. was very helpful.  I am scared that some of the side effects (joint pain, night sweats, excessive bleeding, osteoporosis, weight gain, and mental fog) are ones that I already have that could be worsened. My bleeding is now being controlled by birth control pills, and I think I will try to stay on this as long as I can before having surgery. Hopefully I will be strong enough from current MCAD outbreak to tolerate surgery soon.

Thanks again!
Laura :)

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